What is the Wholesale Section, and how can my customers use it?
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Wholesale Section is a dedicated area where your wholesale customers can easily place bulk orders. It displays customized prices based on the discounts or rules you set in the app.
For example, if you set a 50% discount for the user [email protected], when they log in and visit the Wholesale Section, they will see products with the 50% discounted prices.
All Products on One Page: Wholesale customers can view all available products on a single page with pagination.
Quick Quantity Selection: They can add quantities for each product based on their requirements and see real time discount changes.
In-built Wholesale Cart Drawer: Products added from the section will appear in a dedicated cart drawer for easy review and adjustments.
Separate Checkout: A dedicated checkout option specifically for wholesale orders within the section. Wholesale customers can complete their orders without needing to visit the regular store cart page after adding products.